The component that fights hair loss and where to find it!

The hair loss concerns men and women and manifests itself in many different ways, depending on the cause that causes it…
Losing up to 100 hairs a day is considered normal, as the hair is refreshed daily, and the loss is to be replaced.
But when you get to a greater extent, may be pathological and it is advisable to visit a specialist who will diagnose the causes and recommend the best treatment.
According to the U.s. Agency for Hair loss, up to the age of 50 approximately 85% of men will have significant thinning of the scalp. And women however, faced with the passage of time hair thinning at a rate of 40%.
Scientists report now that the honeycomb of the bee might hide a potential new treatment for hair loss.
In tests on mice, found that propolis, an ingredient used by bees to seal their hive, caused the development of feathers.
According to the head of the study, Ken Kobayashi, propolis promotes the growth of cells associated with hair growth.
When the researchers tested propolis on mice that had been shaved or removed with wax, the fur, the mice who received the treatment with the propolis they made fast their fur compared with the control group. The scientists also observed that after the topical use of an increased amount of cells involved in hair growth.
Hair loss is often caused by an abnormal inflammation. Propolis, which contains anti-inflammatory agents, it is considered that it can helps you and this way to limit the loss of hair.
Ken Kobayashi and colleagues noted that propolis acts as a natural barrier and contains ingredients that prevent the attacks of fungi and bacteria in the hair, however, point out that there needs to be further studies to determine if propolis can cure the hair loss.
The propolis of honey bee is considered to be from the ancient times, natural medicine for the treatment of tumors, inflammation and wounds.
The study, published in the Journal Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

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