The bias, ultimately, is not typical of the uneducated

Until now we believed that the bias is “privilege” only for those with low levels of education. And yet, according to a new…
study even those whose education is of a higher level have similar perceptions!
As reported by the researchers, psychologists and authors of the new study, Mark Brandt from the University of Tilburg and Jarret Crawford of the College of New Jersey, the people in all of the lengths range of the IQ have a bias, so the intelligence does not specify whether we are biased or not.
What differentiates the superstitions of the less educated from the more, are the groups which have addressed the prejudices! That is, people with a higher IQ tended to dislike groups, in which participation is by choice (e.x. the army), but groups who are generally perceived as a conservative or conventional. On the contrary, those with lower IQ tended to dislike groups, in which participation is not by choice (e.x. gay), but groups who are generally perceived as progressive or unconventional.
“The study indicates that the bias is not exclusively present in individuals with low cognitive ability, but is associated with a more general psychological process”, the scientists have stated!