The bad male habits that women love them

According to the results of a recent survey conducted by University of Ghent in Belgium, the …
conclusions of which were published in the Inspection of Evolutionary Psychology Journal of Evolutionary Psychology”), young men who smoke and drink regularly are considered more attractive by women for the conclusion of the “ephemeral love affair” (aka: sex without commitment).
Head of this study has been the assistant professor of the belgian university, Eveline Vincke, which together with its partners, focused on a sample of 239 young women , which were asked first to express their opinion about some of the harmful health habits (in particular, for the drink and the cigarette, and then to answer honestly a series of questions that would indicate whether and to what extent the addiction of a man in the smoke or alcohol affects to whether and how they see love…
According to the results of the investigation, then, women tend to consider most attractive for the creation of a casual relationship men those who say smokers and who used to consume alcohol either occasionally or on a frequent basis. In fact, on the basis of participating in the research, how often a man consumes products of alcohol and tobacco is an indication, and if he wants to “tie the donkey” or if you looking for a serial satisfaction in one-night stands.
Best of all is that, as shown by the findings of a second study which involved the time that 171 young men, the regular smokers and drinkers are actually more “fickle” in their sexual life, preferring clearly the occasional against the “constant” relations.
Just as it did the Vincke, “it turns out that smoking and the consumption of alcohol, over the years have evolved into normally “weapons”, which the young men use them effectively for the easier finding a casual sexual partner”.
So the next time, which will “load” a drink, make sure you are around for a couple of single females.