The “Ariadne” collided with the pier of the port of Piraeus

At the port of Piraeus, in order to be submitted to a technical inspection, I had to return the night of Friday, the… passenger ferry “Ariadne”, which during the departure at 21:00, crashed on the pier.
According to the ministry of Shipping, the incident became aware of passengers who have reported, with the result that the ship to return to port for control, following communication had his captain with a Single Coordinating Centre for Research and Rescue Headquarters of the Coast guard .
The “Ariadne” was tested by inspectors and it was found that the impact had caused μικροστρεβλώσεις in the freeboard of the stern in the right section, however does not create a problem in the αξιόπλοό. It was a small repair of the damage and after presentation of the necessary certificates, the “Ariadne” departed finally at 01:45 in the morning for Chios and Mytilene.
The ship carry 586 passengers, 60 I.G., 60 trucks and 35 bicycles.