The aging process may be reversible

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the time and reduce the signs of aging in mice, they managed american scientists, using the genetic technique called “partial systematic cellular reprogramming”. Life, indeed, of the mouse was extended in this way by 30% (18 to 24 weeks), which would be equivalent to decades in the case of human beings.
As mentioned in a related article in scientific form Cell, researchers at the Institute of Biological Sciences Salk in California, led by professor of Developmental Biology Juan Carlos Ιζπιζούα Μπελμόντε, originally modified genetically engineered mice to carry a mutation that leads to premature aging, similar to the rare genetic condition progeria in humans. The reprogramming of the cells that followed, he took the rodents to feel.
The complete cell reprogramming converts specialized adult cells, such as those of the skin, in a primitive pluripotent stem cells. The american researchers have a wide range of (systemic) but only partial reprogramming.
The partial reprogramming has reduced the accumulated damage to the DNA of many different cells in the body. In this way, several organs such as the skin, the spleen, the kidney and the stomach it was found under the microscope that showed an improvement and reversal of aging. At the same time, and the cardiovascular system showed signs of anti-aging and best mode.
This is the first time the cellular reprogramming prolong the duration of life in a healthy live animal. Previous attempts had caused the development of a comprehensive cancer or immediate death of the experimental animals. However, this time was avoided completely cancer and premature death.
According to the researchers, such experimental treatments may take up to ten years, until tested clinically in humans. Previous studies in humans have shown that the biggest risk factor for common chronic diseases (heart disease, cancers, neurodegenerative diseases) is simply old age. If these “cured”, then many diseases will be less likely to occur.