The 9 conditions for a strong heart

The heart is the most precious organ of the body. It is a special muscle that works like a pump and sends the blood to the lungs and to the rest of the body, supplying it with nutrients through the arteries.
Then the blood returns to the heart through the veins to travel again to the lungs.
To respond successfully to the continuous work of the pump, the heart needs healthy walls are able to constrict, in order to move the blood circulation, but also to expand, in order to fill up again with new blood after each contraction. This process is repeated approximately 70 times per minute.
In heart failure the walls of the heart can’t send enough amount of blood in the body, the muscles get tired and the patient gets tired easily.
To find out if you belong to the group of low-risk for heart failure, check the following factors:
-Don’t smoke
-Eat healthy
-Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day
-Have a body mass index of less than 25Κg/m2
-You have blood pressure less than 140/90 mm/Hg
-You have a total cholesterol less than 190 mg/dl
-You have “bad” cholesterol (LDL) of less than 115 mg/dl
-Do you have a blood sugar less than 110 mg/dl
If you find pain or discomfort in the chest in the attempt or in the cold, the stress or after a heavy meal, shortness of breath or easy fatigue, contact your doctor.

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