“The 8-year-old son is a loner and has no friends at school…”

From Krystallia Σαρκινιώτη, psychotherapist
“The 8-year-old son is a loner and has no friends at school. In the courtyard sitting alone away from the rest of the guys and …
avoid to play with them. Makes me really sad to see him isolated. What can I do?”
There are many reasons that can make the child not have any friends at school. Excessive shyness, low self-esteem, high intelligence, lack of sociability, some of the apparent difference between your son and the other kids in his section, and learning difficulties are reasons that can influence decisively, by the creation of a friendship, a challenge.
I bet you can’t push the other kids to be friends with him, but you can do other moves approach. Discuss the problem with the teacher of the child, which will give you a picture of the situation in the school and maybe some advice. Organize a children’s party and invite their classmates to come closer with the other kids, but you and the other parents. Be sure to strengthen the social skills of the child, enhancing self-confidence, and discussing with him possible concerns.
Give him tips on how to gain friends. Not born all of the children with this ability, so you may have to teach it. Tell him to find friends with common interests and show interest in the activities and hobbies of the other children.
It is important to have in mind all of the above, but as much as I worry for your child, remember that if you try too hard maybe to have the opposite of the desired effect. A friendship is not something that you can buy to your child, as you would with a game.