The 65-year-old Greek man who married the 12-year-old and stirred up reactions in America. What is it that nobody knew? [video]

It’s noon in Times Square, New York, when suddenly a newly married couple descending from a very expensive Bentley….
Initially, the world gets excited and gives congratulations.
All this, of course, until it revealed a nasty surprise: The bride is a young petite girl, but a girl just 12 years old. The groom is around 65. The attendees, after the initial shock, they begin to react. Is it possible?
“I have the consent of her family,” she replies with a cynical style of the groom.Some lose their temper. Rushing to attack. Some ψυχραιμότεροι – and surprisingly bigger – prevent them. What had happened?
Fortunately, this was not for marriage, but for a play – a social experiment. The aim was to στηλιτευθεί the legislation that applies in some States of America and gives the right of adults to marry children from 12 years of age, as long as there is parental consent. The role of the groom, who has become hateful to millions of people worldwide, one Greek: Chrysanthos Πετσίλας.
“It was a play, in which I have accepted with pleasure to be a part of it. It was very important to the social message he wanted to pass to the producer. I signed up and they chose me for this role, while we have to emphasize that the little girl comes from a family of well-known actors”, stresses mr. Πετσίλας.
As shown by an extensive monitoring of the video, the reactions, in some cases, it was intense. The same 65-year-old Greek expat indicates that you are not daunted, as they had foreseen all of the spin-off situations.
“In principle, it is very important that people had the reaction that he had. Marriages of girls 12 years old and boys 14 years of age is a reality in some States, as permitted by Law. At some point moved more aggressively, without having the purpose to lynch me already – but there was security. At the same time, show up all the hidden cameras and then revealed that they were going to play. In fact, the attendees were very positive when they learned the purpose and reached to the point of even being photographed with us with joy”, said Chrysanthos Πετσίλας.
The video is an inspiration and creation of the Kobe Πέρσιν, who informs us at the end of every day our 33,000 underage girls forced into such marriages. Unfortunately, the naturals, and not for the needs of video. However, this has become a global viral, surpassing the 6 million views within a few days.