The 6 “green” clothes in your closet

The quality of the fabrics of the clothes can harm the environment and our health. There are a few eco-friendly alternatives. Clothes from…
bamboo, organic cotton, hemp, cashmere, tencel and wool fabric are going to create a green closet. Say no to synthetic fabrics, dress your body with ecological clothes and keep your old clothes, like a talisman.
1. Bamboo
Bamboo is highly durable and is grown with a small percentage of chemical inputs. The fabric has antibacterial properties, leaves the skin to breathe and is biodegradable. However, it should be noted that the factory used toxic chemicals to turn it into a fabric.
2. Organic cotton
More than 25% of the pesticides in the world are used in conventional cotton production. The organic cotton is grown without toxic synthetic chemical inputs. Search for natural pigments to reduce further the proportion of chemicals that end up in our ecosystem.
3. Industrial hemp
Hemp is rapidly renewable, requires small amounts of pesticides, grows without fertilizer, requires minimum attention, doesn’t destroy the nutrients of the soil and is easy to harvest.
4. Cashmere / silk
These fabrics are made from the protein fiber soy. In fact, the amino acids of the soybean is related to the amino acids of the human skin resulting in the skin to be embraced in a natural way, and to breathe.
5. Tencel
The tencel is made from natural cellulose and is fully biodegradable. Used certified pulpwood and minimum quantities of toxic chemicals during processing.
The 6 “green” clothes in the closet σας6. Woolen fabric
The wool fabric is a renewable material, resistant to fire and does not need the use of chemicals. Organic wool is becoming more and more available, and it is produced with the use of sustainable farming practices.
Green clothes and their impact
Even these options are not clear, stresses the organization The Nature Conservancy. These types of fabrics can contribute to the reduction of the contamination of the planet, but in general have an environmental impact, such as the following:
Toxic chemicals: Pesticides, dyes, bleaching and chemical treatment used for the treatment of bamboo or rayon.
Land: The natural fibres require large areas for production, while synthetic usually require petrochemical substances.
Water: Almost all of the fabrics require huge amounts of water during production, with cotton require more.
And we’re wondering… What to wear?
Wear your clothes for longer period of time, or buy second-hand clothes. In addition, recycle or repair.