“That’s enough” and “NO” shouting in the squares – Mobilisation such as the “Indignant” in Patras

“Enough” is the motto this time and date is given again in the squares. Mobilisation reminiscent of that of… Indignant is in the works. The call is made through facebook and the date has been set for 15 May. Between the cities involved is located, and the city of Patras. The invitation on the internet says:
Sunday 15/5 top up the Constitution, and the squares of the country with NO 15/5 we wake up, we remember, we take our lives in our hands.
Call #APKETA in the Memoranda of the misery of servitude and the φτωχοποίησης.
Call #APKETA in new and old μνημονιακούς trying to convince us that there is no alternative.
Call #APKETA to the destruction of the social state, the sale of public property, in φοροεπιδρομή, foreclosures, poverty and enslavement.
Call #APKETA in the violation of human rights.
Call #APKETA to the destruction of our life…
Those who want to participate in this global mobilisation against the economic oligarchy that has turned grossly against the interests of the people, create similar events on the central squares of the cities and send us the link in order to add them to the map of industrial action.