Testimonial – SHOCK: “The illegal immigrants throw it in the trash free lunches “while the greeks are hungry” [photos]

The σιτιστές of illegal immigrants refused to provide meals to poor Greek family of Perama…
The rich menu that they threw in the trash the illegal immigrants contained octopus and bowl of spaghetti.
An anonymous sender sent to a web page photos derived from the centre of illegal immigrants in the Shale, where they are ‘housed’ at this time 2000 illegal immigrants Afghans, and only two families of Syrian refugees and which is circulating today on the internet. Feature in the communication – apart from the fact that he doesn’t trust any of the MEDIA – it was, as he insisted, the feeling of shame that she felt.
“By the time the illegal immigrants flying the portions with food which diligently prepares under almost ideal conditions of hygiene, the Greek Army because they didn’t like the menu – it is outrageous and sad is the case of a Greek mother who recently appeared at the gate of the camp and discreetly begged the officers of the guard for three portions of food for her family. Flabbergasted ones, and after having informed the military that is responsible for the mess, they REFUSED to give her even one, after, “the orders are clear and relate to the feeding of illegal immigrants!”

“The everyday life of survival in the camp is even more suffocating for the Greeks soldiers who are forced to serve willingly uncivilized “vulnerable” κουβαλήθηκαν: Few officials who perform services τραπεζοκόμων, maid and cleaning if wear the time-honored variation, they are forced to accept the “cultural” specificities of the cannibals, which neither the families of Syrians who were forced to coexist, they can tolerate.”

“One of the processors, service can not touch a woman during distribution or by mistake because it caused episodes of the “peaceful refugees”, the loads at distance from tampons are left untouched because the “visitor” does not deign or did not know how to use them, the unbearable fights between them and the intolerable stink of forcing the Syrians not only spatially and visually to try not to have any contact with them and to accept the sympathy and the “privileged” treatment of the military who have taken “under the protection” of them.”

ΧΑΜΟΣ: there was blood on the Rose at the start of the Al Campground…

After the mess that happened in the last Al a Tepee News, Lakis Lazopoulos returned the night of the Third in the Alpha and on our screens…
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Electronic cigarette and smoking: Get it right and make the change

Another video from the alter eGo Academy came to your “train” around the smoking and the electronic cigarette. Therefore if you are thinking seriously to change from a smoker to become a condensation water that is produced easily, quickly and without deprivation continue reading below…
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