Test: See if you have fluid retention

If you suspect that you have fluid retention, then there is a very simple test that you can do in order to find and to get your measures…
The causes of retention
The factors that cause, vary and often is hormonal. In the majority of cases fluid retention is observed, when there is heart failure, kidney failure or thyroid problems.
At the same time, it’s a symptom of poor circulation, while it is possible to cause the appearance of cellulite.
How to do the test!
Apply a slight and constant pressure at 4 to 5 points on the buttocks or around your ankles.
If the area in which you exercised the pressure, it stays white before it returned to the normal color of the skin, or stays “dent” for seconds, then you have increased chances of your body to fluid retention.
One more indication is the image of the eyelids. It’s normal to be swollen when you wake up in the morning, however, if the swelling does not subside, then you should consult a doctor.
What to do if you have retention
It is good to limit the amount of salt, which enhances the problem and to choose foods rich in potassium, which cause diuresis in a natural way. If the problem is severe your doctor may prescribe diuretics.

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