Syria: A ship with a “suspicious” load arrived in Tartous


berthing ship in Syria, characterized suspect to carry weapons, announced Saturday a Russian officer.

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If you enjoyed the video, please give it a like! Download the mod here: The Twilight Forest realm, made by Benimatic, is an endless world like regular Minecraft. Nearly all of it is densely forested. It has more of an enchanted or faerie tale feel than the main Minecraft world. The skies are perpetually dim, giving a darker, somewhat gloomy cast to the world below. An overstory of larger trees further shades most of the world below, creating a canopy covering most of the world (so thick that you can actually walk on it most places.) The canopy is pierced only occasionally by massive trees that rise to the ceiling of the world. The terrain is flatter, or at least less mountainous than regular Minecraft, but you will occasionally encounter hills, sometimes rising far above the canopy level. These hills are hollow too, containing caves filled with valuable ores, treasure and dangerous monsters. If this mod seems to be to your liking, go and download and post supporting comments on the creator’s forum page! Twitter: All music used in this video is from the game Minecraft. The artist of the music is C418. If you enjoy the music go to where you can buy the full album and support the artist!

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