SW for Eurogroup: The government is the only thing that can offers to the people is new weights

In its communication, the SW stated that the government and those supporting it, “the only thing they can offer to the Greek people’s new burdens, greater uncertainty, a deeper decline,”…
The Piraeus is a reminder of the government announcements after the previous Eurogroup.
“On 20 February, the government and the propaganda mechanism of rushed to announce the agreement, which supposedly would bring “the end of austerity”. Today, it turns out that it was still a business of deception of citizens, as well as agreement nor has been, nor is there, nor do we know if, when, and with what conditions there will be,” notes the opposition party stressing that this is all happening while the economy is destabilized and the country goes back to adventure”.
“In the last few months, with the sole responsibility of the government of SYRIZA – ANEL:
The country plunged again in recession
The insecurity is back in the economy
We had outflows of deposits 4 billion. euros in the first two months of 2017
The government has declared a stop payment as I don’t pay any obligation towards individuals
The “red loans” are rising sinking in despair households and businesses, and impacting on the banking system
The unemployed the last five months increased by of 114 000
The insurance literally dissolved through the unprecedented fiasco on the contributions of the ΕΦΚΑ”.
At the same time, Piraeus blaming the government that “in the face of this grim reality, αντιπαρατάσσει new lies and cheap propaganda”.
In conclusion, the SW adds: “The government of Tsipras – Kammenos and those who support it, the only thing they can offer to the Greek people’s new burdens, greater uncertainty, a deeper decline. The policy change as soon as possible is a necessary condition to avoid the country the worst, and to be able to stand again on its feet”.

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