Supplements or natural diet?

The supplements in the last few years gaining more and more space on the shelves of our homes. Unfortunately, the drug companies promote them as saviors …
envoys from the nature that will save us almost from any disease.
The track “medicine” has been shaken in many ways. The successive reductions in the price of drugs, the rebate and the clawback, have taken their toll financially the pharmaceutical industry and as a result many switch at some rate on the market of food supplements. There are, of course, and the already existing companies of food supplements which they found a large ground and practically virgin, for a more dynamic entrance.
Supplements as non-prescription purchased entirely by the customer. I don’t need neither the pharmacy nor the drug company to wait years to get their money from the fund of the patient. Consumers are bombarded by ads of such non-prescription product as the natural solution to their problem and do they not realize that by winning again the pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies.
Definitely help in diseases, certainly reinforce the exhausted organism, and is valuable and necessary in patients but in any case not a substitute for a balanced diet and include it in the box. In any case you shouldn’t have a place in healthy people. There is only the natural diet!
Unfortunately, the convenience and the candy of the lack of time they have lead the people instead of cook right to left in the ease of swallowing a pill. Nature is what we eat, what we breathe and what we choose to live inside of us whether it is in the level of thinking or emotions.
In nature there is only balance, and when it breaks it has exquisite mechanisms for leveling why not the man? Why couldn’t the man to create an environment healthy with natural ways. Also what you need your the nature offers generously! Unless you consider yourself fair! What do you say we return to the wisdom of nature? You deserve it!