Sunday 8 May with a 24-hour strike, the celebration of labour Day

H GSEE by a unanimous decision of the Executive Committee and supporting the struggle of the Federation of Private Employees of Greece (The.I. Y.E)… announces a 24-hour General Strike for Sunday 8 May, during which it has imposed the opening of the store, including in particular strike action, the events for the celebration of Labour Day.
This Sunday, along with seven other, are set with μνημονιακούς laws as working for the trade, a measure which we are categorically opposed, since on the one hand, leads to the abolition of the Sunday holiday and on the other hand, works exclusively for the benefit of the multinationals, leading to padlock small businesses in the industry.
The GSEE at the same time, from the first moment he expressed his outrage at the machinations of the government and the passing of Labour Day, repeating that for the trade unions and the world of paid work the labor Day is not a holiday but a day of memory, honour and struggle.
For this, the GSEE calls on the workers to concentrations of memory and protest, in space and time that will determine the local Labour Centres.
The strike on 8 May, is independent of the 48-hour General Strike has been decided by the Confederation and which will take place when tabled in Parliament the final bill for the insurance and there is a timetable for proceedings and voting.