Successfully held for the fifth consecutive year in the Officers School of the Hellenic Police, the actual exercise with the code name “HOURGLASS 2016”

With great success was held the weekend 04-05 April 2016, for the fifth consecutive year, the real exercise with the code name “HOURGLASS 2016”, at the premises of the School for Officers of the Greek Police, in Αμυγδαλέζα Attica.
The exercise was designed, organized and implemented by the Single Coordinating Center Business and Crisis Management of the Greek Police, in cooperation with the School of Officers of the Body.
The purpose of the exercise was the practical training of 4ετών cadet Officers in the management of simulated incidents escalating difficulty, which require the development of resources (personnel, means), in a specific place and time, in accordance with the Incident Management System and Crisis of the Greek Police “ΠΟΛΥΔΕΥΚΗΣ”.
For the needs of the exercise was installed and operated Center Business, while we organized and staffed two models of Police Departments. In addition, he participated staff of the General Police Directorate of Attica (trainers, announcers, etc.), Address the Mitigation of Special Crimes of Violence, the Directorate of Special Police Forces, the Directorate of animal Health, as well as Officers negotiators.
The exercise was attended by a delegation of students of the Faculty of Ανθυποπυραγών Fire Academy, as well as midshipmen Ensigns of the Coast guard/Greek coast Guard.
The simulated exercises, trainings in Schools, at all levels of the Police Academy, but also in operational units and Services of the Body, are an important parameter for the improvement and substantial reform of the education programmes, retraining and lifelong education of police personnel, contributing to the improvement of the operational readiness and responsiveness of Services of the Hellenic Police.

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