Internet & Politics 2008
Image by Berkman Center for Internet & Society
(Title) from the Office of the Secretary for Education, John Panaretos, announced that the statistics with the corresponding promoters charts the escalation of the General Grade Access (GVP) of the candidates in total and per direction Courses last year of high school is available on the website:
These figures show that compared with 2009 This year:
The summaries:
observed relative reduction (-0.85%) of the ‘best’ ‘candidates, ie candidates GVP from 19 to 20.
The points on the scale of 18-19 are virtually unchanged (with percentage difference when -0,03%).
Relative growth rates show the scores from 16 to 18 (0,55%).
The percentage of candidates with a GVP of 11-16 is reduced by 1,14%.
In the same levels remain the candidates’ percentage of GVP 5-11 (with different percentage 0,17%).
Finally an increase of 1.58% shows the percentage of candidates with GVP from 0 to 5.
specifically pointed out that each direction:
As for the “excellent” candidates, the largest percentage difference was found in the positive direction (reducing 2,36%), while the lowest recorded in the theoretical direction (down 0.56%). In the Circle Technology Direction and Production Technology remain at last year’s levels (a difference of only 0,01%).
The Theoretical Direction has the lowest percentage (1.52%) best ‘candidates (GVP 19 to 20) than in all other directions. This figure is lower by 0.56% than in 2009. The largest increase (0.50%) in this direction appears in the proportion of those filled by GVP 10-11. Slight difference (increase of 0.11%) compared to last year made for candidates with GVP less than 5 (the lowest percentage difference between the four directions). The other time there are no specific GVP changes.
In a positive direction, appears the second largest percentage ‘best’ (10.81%), after the Technology and Manufacturing Technology Direction (where the figure is 11.03%), although this class have the biggest percentage reduction compared to last year, from all directions (2,36%). Furthermore, there is an increase of 3.38% of the candidates for the direction taken by GVP 16-19. Significant reduction of 1.9% observed for GVP candidates of that direction by 10-16. Remains unchanged the percentage of candidates who have GVP below 5 (which will be increased only by 0.15% compared with 2009).
Cycle Technology and Manufacturing Technology direction, as above, indicate the best ‘highest percentage (11.03%) from all directions. However, there are significant differences compared to last year. Nor can draw reliable conclusions because of the small number of candidates who participated in this direction (671 candidates, or 0.75% of total applicants).
The Circle Information Technology and Services direction, decreasing the ‘best’ ‘candidates than last year at 0.74%. Relative reduction of 0.32% is also seen candidates with GVP from 18 to 19, while the relative increase (0.26%) indicate the percentage of candidates in GVP from 15 to 18. Decrease of 1.42% were also candidates in the direction of GVP 11-15. Finally, the Circle of Information Technology and Services Direction recorded the largest increases in applicants whose GVP was below 5 (percentage 12.86%, 3.5% higher than that of 2009).
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Image by Adam Kuban
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Image by hjdetroy