Statina Tsimchilis: Women always look for guilt in ourselves, I remember saying “what did I do wrong? “

“You don’t realize at the time that nature may have very simply chosen not to come this child into the world because she protects him and the couple,” replied . On the occasion of Elena Tsagrinou’s comment on her miscarriage a few months ago, Statina Tsimchili spoke about her own unpleasant experience and feelings she felt then. “Because I’ve seen a similar interview of yours that you’ve been through very difficult times, I also thought it wouldn’t go any further (e.g. pregnancy), that I have a problem and it’s a bad situation that automatically creates you,” Helena Tsagrinou said. “Don’t take it personally, but we women always look for guilt in ourselves. Do I remember saying what I did wrong? Did I lift weight or eat something I shouldn’t have? Did I not rest enough? You’re immediately looking for what you did wrong as a human being. You don’t realize at the time that nature can very simply choose not to come this child into the world because it protects and protects the couple,” Statina Tsimchili replied.