Stars System: The influence of Lunar eclipse on 12 signs

Today Saturday, March 23 at 13:10 at “Stars System” Asi Belu will analyze the influence of the Lunar eclipse on the 12 representatives of the zodiac cycle. The eclipses always bring about changes and developments in certain areas of our lives, depending on the sign that takes place. The specific Lunar eclipse- Full moon is formed on the balance axis- Aries on the day of 25 March and concerns both our relations and our partnerships and our finances, so our awareness and decisions will be decisive for the future. We may need to close some circles and say some “goodbye” in order to create the space to make new beginnings in our lives, to feel safer and to become happier and happier. Who will have personal changes and who professionally? Who will decide to take the next step in their relations and who will have opportunities at economic level? Who will find the power to follow their dreams and leave behind faces and situations that do not allow them to evolve? Also, learn what happens when an eclipse affects the planets in your horoscope, but also what sign your relationship is and what that means for your bond! This and much more on “Stars System” today Saturday, March 23 at 13:10!