Representatives from 100 of the hospitality industry will be present, 30/3, in the ” Career Day in Tourism” of the Public Employment Service ( ) at the Peace and Friendship Stadium, from 10:00 to 18:00, seeking workers for over 3,000 jobs. Speaking in the AIA-APM, the commander of the IPPA, Spyros Protopsaltis, states that the companies, participating and active throughout Greece, include hotel units, travel agencies, car rental companies, catering companies, airport service companies and others. As he points out, they are all well-known and are an honor that they once again trust the DYPA in order to help them find the right staff for their needs. The specialties they seek relate to staff of all levels of specialisation, namely: air ticket and hotel reservation officials, secretarial support officials, passenger and aircraft service officers, accountants and assistant accountants, host employees, chefs and kitchen staff, service workers, beauty and wellness professions, wreckers, cleaning staff, plumbers, airport information officers, drivers, storekeepers, sales consultants, customer service employees, body repairers, painters, electricians, car engineers, etc. What is due to the difficulty of finding staff Asking questions about the difficulty of tourism companies to find staff and whether the the thematic ” Career Days” of IPPA can help them find the staff they need, Mr. Protopsaltis finds that, in recent years, this contradiction has been observed. “Tourism businesses, while offering many jobs of various specialties, cannot easily find the staff they want and which will be able to meet their needs adequately”. According to the DYPA commander, “the causes of this deficit are based either on the so-called brain drain, as many potential tourism workers left our country in the previous years of the crisis or on skills mismatch, i.e. unemployed people do not have the skills that businesses seek or that many are not particularly attracted to seasonal work and work in the tourism sector and focus on seeking a permanent employment in another sector.” “In DYPA, as I have repeated several times, we listen to the modern needs of the market and try to harmonise our actions according to the requirements of the time. In the area of tourism, the messages we receive are that there is a great need for staff and in this need “we respond” with innovative actions that can have visible and measurable results. In this direction, there are also the “ Career Days” in Tourism that we organize today at the SEF, where representatives from 100 companies in the hospitality sector are looking for workers for over 3,000 jobs. We believe that this new way of unfiltered worker interconnection with businesses is proven to be efficient. In essence, we support the tourism industry with new tools, which only aim to alleviate the problem more effectively and more targetedly,” comments Mr Protopsaltis. Large Response With regard to the effectiveness of such actions, the commander of the DYPA notes that the ” Career Days” organized today, 30/3, at the SEF on tourism are the second in a row, after the first event organized a year before Helexpo and which was focused on tourism and focus, and the online European ” Career Day” Tourism, Working in Greece-Filoxenia, which was recently organized, was also mediated. As he points out, in this weekend of the first event last March the citizens’ response was impressive. The turnout reached 2,000, while the number of confirmed recruitments exceeded 300. “It’s not enough apparently. However, these actions are a compass for where and how we should move. In the immediate future, a new coupling platform is coming, which I believe will make a significant contribution to finding work for those looking for work and finding workers for businesses seeking staff,” points out Mr Protopsaltis. And adds that the online European ” Career Day” Tourism Work in Greece-Filoxenia, first organised last February, through the National Office for Coordination EURES, also had a great response. According to DYPA data, more than 200 companies participated in the event, with over 1,300 jobs and aimed at bringing together Greek and European citizens seeking work with businesses active in tourism, hospitality and focus and looking for suitable staff for jobs throughout Greece. Participation exceeded 1,000 stakeholders from different countries in Europe, including Greece. “We designed this new innovative work supply and demand coupling action with specific and targeted features and we will repeat it very soon in the next few weeks,” the DYPA commander announced.
Spyros Protopsaltis: 100 businesses with 3000 jobs in the “Days of Career” of DYPA