Spider veins: don’t be an accomplice and the victim

Today, the issue is in the spider veins, but the issue of information on medical topics is very big and very important…
You personally you ought to take care of your health and not to mislead others. Not to become an Accomplice and a Victim of deception should – there’s no other way – read below…
The issue
Advertised a… innovative medical device that acts via the formation of an impermeable film long life that fully covers the affected area – while allowing the skin to breathe – with the result that the quick repair.
Covering a problem does not involve the restoration!!
See the data.
What does the modern vascular surgery for spider Veins
• Spider veins (referred to as “φλεβίτης” or “varicose veins”) is διατεταμένα vessels (veins) of the skin. Make their appearance in various points of the body, the us being there, but it is more common in the legs.
• The spider veins are mainly an aesthetic problem. It may be associated with minor local symptoms such as itching, burning sensation, feeling of heaviness or slight pain.
• In 10-15% of cases, the veins contain a greater gravity φλεβι-esque failure.
• For this and should be made safe diagnosis with specialized triplex vein, and ai-μοδυναμική study.
• Sclerotherapy is the perfectly appropriate method of dealing with the ευρυαγ-actions.
• The operation is performed injection of specific hardening substances, with the result that the affected veins are converted into fibrous cords.
One important clarification.
From a medical point of view, because “the veins may conceal greater gravity venous insufficiency”, it is advisable to become safe diagnosis with specialized triplex veins. If you rule out something more serious and spider veins are just an aesthetic problem, you may decide to ignore it. This is another do you think that a cream to cure spider veins. That’s NOT TRUE.
A total placement
The information on medical issues from the internet but the ads is only useful when it comes from a valid and reliable source. And even more, must be crossed with the scientific placement of a physician of the corresponding specialty. Why, even the site of a physician, the information is general and never proposed solutions only when there is a safe personalized diagnosis.
On reliability
This article was written with the cooperation of the αγγειοχειρουργού Athanasios Siafakas, scientific officer of the Center for Venous Disease VEIΝCENTER.
Athanasios Σιάφακας is a military Physician, is considered to be leading in the treatment of venous diseases, vascular surgeon in Greece, with special experience in the diagnosis and the application of minimally invasive methods. Still, he is the official trainer of doctors of various specialties (such as αγγειοχειρουργοί, plastic surgeons, dermatologists) in the application of sclerotherapy in Greece and Cyprus, on behalf of the #1 worldwide drug..

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