SOS for today’s guys in their 30s.

Today’s guys in their 30s have so…
poor physical condition that are 15 years “older” than the parents and grandparents of the
when they were the same age, according to a new study…
According to Dutch scientists, today’s young men and women are significantly more likely than older generations to suffer from hypertension, diabetes, and obesity (p.p. obesity belongs to the diseases).
Their conclusion is based on the monitoring of 6,000 volunteers in 20, 30, 40 and 50. As noted by the researchers, the new generations have poorer “metabolic health” than the older, as they face much more metabolic problems, such as hypertension and obesity.
In fact, the guys in their 30s are 20% more likely to have enough extra pounds compared to the older generations. Accordingly, the current 20-year-olds, women are twice as likely to be obese compared with those of 20 years ago than 10 years.
Depending on were the findings for men and women in terms of hypertension and diabetes.
“Today’s young people are old at 15 years in terms of metabolic health,” said lead researcher dr. Γκέρντεν Χούλσεγκε, from the Dutch Institute of Public Health & Environment.
And he continued: “The modern young adults fare much worse than their ancestors. The frequency l.x. of obesity in today’s 40άρηδες is similar to that in the previous generation we could see the 55άρηδες.
“This means that the newest ones are 15 years “ahead” of the older generations and will be exposed to obesity for more years, with what this implies for their health.
“The same applies to other metabolic problems. So, because of undermining from very early in their health, we need to take action now, otherwise their quality of life will be affected – and, indeed, very early in their lives”.