So we are in the belly of our mother. Rare photos

The photo you see is extremely rare. It was taken immediately after the birth by caesarean section and the important thing is that the amniotic sac remains intact…
So we’re in the belly of the mother of us all..
The photo took the Greek obstetrician Aris Τσιγκρής, a few seconds after the birth of a healthy baby.
The posted on Facebook and explained that because the baby is still in the bag, and doesn’t realize that he has been in the outside world, he was born, but he thinks he’s still in the belly of the mommy. Writes the obstetrician: “A rare picture…very rarely will say….birth after a c-section with intact bag,the baby still has not understood that he was born…’s like he’s still in the womb,is known as the ”veil of birth”and is more common but equally rare in premature births,the full embedding of the newborn in the bag does not leave the baby drowned in the amniotic fluid, because it begins to breathe immediately after removal of the ”veil”,as the placenta continues to supply the baby with blood,the nature overcomes itself,leaving breathless even obstetricians”
The to happen this is a chance of $ 15,000. think about it.

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