Six objects that you should definitely throw it in the trash…

If you want to start something new in your life and to create a home that is warm, comfortable and happy…
throw the following objects in the bin and you will notice immediate improvement…
Dried Flowers
The dried flowers, including potpourri – create bad feng shui This is because they represent stagnant energy.
When you have dried flowers, ξαναγυρνάτε quite often in childhood or in ex-lovers and brood. You may also feel that you do not have enough energy or you are tired mentally or physically. Buy a fresh bouquet of flowers or put a pot with a flowering plant at the front entrance of your home that will gives vitality on a daily basis.
Wilted Plants
The plants symbolize growth, but when he’s healthy. If your plants are slowly dying or are already dry will create problems such as having trouble to wake up, to not have any energy to work or to have no sexual mood. Throw it and buy a new one. If you don’t have the time or the ability to take care of them and keep them, replace them with silk. Place it somewhere behind a moving fan, so that when the rings brings to mind the rustling of the leaves in the breeze.
Broken Machinery
Those who are professionally engaged in the feng shui know that the electrical or electronic devices represent the power and authority. The damage or the malfunction of them will soon appear in your life in the form of a health problem, a failed relationship or a bad situation in your job. Or renew your equipment or take him to the closest recycling bin. It is better to leave a blank space than there is a faulty tv, toaster or stereo.
Expired Medicines
Keeping the medications and cosmetics that have expired are not only dangerous for your health if you use them in the wrong, but also bad for your home. These objects contain toxic energy that slowly affects you and won’t let you break free, relax and rejuvenate. Do a check now on the shelves, the cabinets or your pharmacy and drop it! You will see that you will have less stress and more free time.
Spoiled food
Food symbolize your ability to give and receive love. Therefore, if you have a freezer full of spoiled food, then maybe jeopardize your relationships. Check your fridge on a weekly basis, check the shelves and drawers. Do the same with the cupboards of food. Do not keep anything that is no longer for consumption. In a little while it will be easier to express openly your feelings.
Photos of former loved ones
Even if you have a good relationship with an old favorite person, it’s not healthy to have in a prominent place of the photos. The photos contain strong energy and have a strong impact on your subconscious. If you want to make space in your life for another, lasting, healthy and full of love relationship, keep the photos in a box or put them in an album. This will symbolize your desire for a new beginning, and it’s easier to attract new people.