Six “nocturnal” habits for a deep and restful sleep

Maybe there are nights that stay up all night in front of the tv or struggling with insomnia? A little bit of the stress from the job, a little…
noises of the city, and the sleep turns into a nightmare situation! Scientists bear witness to the nocturnal habits that will offer you a deep and restful sleep within a couple of hours. Follow these six simple tips, recharge your batteries and get away from the “bad” health…
Consume two kiwis for a quick sleep
If you are looking for a snack – “a friend” of sleepiness, try the kiwi! Researchers from Taiwan discovered in 2011 that those who eat two kiwi one hour before they fall asleep asleep 35% faster and 13% longer. It is a juicy fruit that has a high concentration of antioxidant vitamins C and E, which regulate the neurotransmitters in the brain namely, serotonin, substance responsible for the peace and eliminate the anxiety.
Avoid feather pillows
Without a convenient pad, there is no restful sleep. Through questionnaires to 100 people who reported that they suffer from poor quality of sleep, it turned out that the responsibility of keeping the uncomfortable feather pillows. Everyone can “see” the comfortable pillow from another angle, but the study found that on top of the most comfortable pads are the ones with polyester or latex.
Stretch your muscles before you go to bed
“Yes,” the cramps in the legs and the grip on the back is capable to open the door to insomnia. More than 50% of adults –mostly women – suffer from such hassles as they age. The solution, according to research by the Journal of Physiotherapy, is the stretching of your body before you go to bed. The last “lengthen” the tendons and muscles, reducing the likelihood of cramp. More specifically, sit on the floor with stretched legs and reach with your hands your toes.
Indulge in also known as “pink” noise
Maybe a dripping tap or “click” of the clock has left you vigilant, but the “pink” noise, in contrast with the known as the “white”, offers you better sleep. It is a kind of sound with a perfectly consistent frequency, e.x. the sound of rain falling on the roof or the rustle of the leaves. According to a study at the University of Beijing in China, the “pink” noise during the night it regulates brain waves and gives a restful sleep. At least this was stated by 75% of the volunteers for this research. Subsequent research, of course, showed that it can enhance even the memory center of the brain.
Say “yes” to running during the evening hours
Do you avoid running or the gym after 9 at night, believing that it will “complicate” sleep? Wrong! Exercise helps the body to relax and leads to the quality of sleep, as claimed by the National Sleep Foundation to research the ’13. In contrast, those who train intensely for four hours before falling into bed… I don’t see a difference in the quality of their sleep. So, when you return in the evening after work, do a little jogging in your neighborhood for 15-20 minutes and you will enjoy a heavy sleep.
Bring into your mind the positive moments of a 24-hour
Those who feel gratitude for their life and keep a journal of everything positive happening in their life… report less sleep problems, according to a 2009 survey in the United Kingdom. I’m sure the negative nighttime thoughts are several times guilty for insomnia. A healthy habit is to write in a diary what happened in the 24ωρομ which causes you a debt of gratitude. This will keep the heights the mental health.

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