Six hundred auctions as the end of the year – Over 3,000 in total

About 600 auctions real estate is programmed as the end of the year, while in 2017 the number of …
is expected to exceed 3,000, as reported by to vima.
According to the newspaper, auctions, commercial real estate and houses, mainly of great objective value, and the first restructuring of firms in difficulty with negative equity and non-cooperative owners, the banks want to send a message to everybody that the lying is over.
The aim of the banks is the reduction of non-performing exposures during 8-9 billion. euro, as the end of next year.
In addition, credit institutions are in anticipation of the amendment, within October, the bankruptcy code, which will allow them to consolidate υπερδανεισμένες, but under conditions of sustainable enterprises.
The government will extend every protection feature of the first housing, said meanwhile yesterday the minister of State, Nikos Pappas, speaking at a gathering in the city of Volos.