Sinusitis in children: How is it treated?

The treatment of acute sinusitis is with antibiotics. A short use of… nasal decongestant (not for more than three days) can help open αποφραγμένων orifices of the sinuses of the face and to accelerate the control and elimination of infection.
Chronic sinusitis is treated with nasal spray steroids, which reduce inflammation and swelling. These sprays are quite safe and are not absorbed in significant quantities. Therefore, do not have the same side effects as the steroids taken by mouth, and can be used for long periods of time in years the case. Patients with chronic sinusitis also administered antibiotics to combat the bacteria that can contribute to the formation of congestion, inflammation and polyp.
If there is an allergic component to the rhinitis, the child needs a special treatment of allergy (for example, with antihistamines). However, if the allergy is not present, the use of antihistamines is not appropriate. Many of these drugs dry out the mucous membrane, which prevents the body to keep the nose clean and to eliminate bacteria and other residues. Also, some of the ingredients that have been approved for use in young children sometimes cause unwanted side effects in behavior.
A very effective and safe treatment for acute and chronic sinusitis is the use of a humidifier and nasal washes. Maintaining the proper level of humidification in the mucosa plays an important role in the body’s natural defenses. The moisture has the ability to prevent the nasal secretions from drying out and φράξη of the natural routes of drainage of the sinuses. The humidifiers δωματίουσυμβάλλουν the solution of the problem, provided that they are strictly adhered to all the rules of cleaning them and avoid the development of colonies of bacteria or fungi. Also, is the frequent spraying of the nose with saline nasal spray.