SHOCK! What are the risks hiding the toilet paper?

No other object comes not so often in contact…
with the sensitive area, as the toilet paper.But few give importance to the listed labels, and those who do probably see them… in chinese.
And yet, decoding the most common labels of paper toilet and what they mean, can someone identify the consequences for health and the environment.
Label: Super loud (ultra strong)
Secret Ingredient: Formaldehyde
A 2010 study investigates the possibility that the toilet paper is to blame for the chronic irritation of the female intimate area.
The formaldehyde is used to improve the strength of the toilet paper and paper napkins to moisture, is an irritant δερματολογικός and carcinogenic agent.
Label: Lotion
Secret Ingredient: Oil based on mineral oil
Experts recommend to avoid impregnated with lotion toilet paper, as there are complaints that papers with aloe and vitamin E cause a burning sensation in the sensitive area.
Tag: Product recycling
Secret Ingredient: BPA
In theory, the use of toilet paper is a product of recycling, is a practice that is consistent with your ecological conscience.
The factor BPA, however, is not negligible. Research published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology showed that in the toilet paper traces of this element that disrupts the endocrine system. This is due to the fact that for recycling are used, among other things, prints on thermal paper, which is coated with paint.
The good news is that the concentrations of BPA in toilet paper are too small, and therefore the risk.
Label: PCF or ECF
Secret Ingredient: derivatives of Bleach
This is the way of bleaching that was used for the roll. The indicator PCF (processed chlorine free) is displayed in the recycled toilet paper to show that he has not used chlorine. The indicator ECF means that it has used chlorine dioxide. The processing of ECF releases dioxins, but at extremely reduced levels. According to the Council of Defence of Natural Resources, the PCF is preferred, as it signals that this is a product of recycling.

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