She killed herself because she was tired of waiting to die

Anastasia Khoreva, age 105, the last time she was depressed, because they were coming down with a lung infection…
Yes, as they say, the family and friends he was tired of waiting to die and decided to kill himself to rid himself of the torment that he lived.
Well, one day the family was away from home, made a noose from bed sheets and hung herself in her room!
The centenarian grandmother of the Darsun Russia had survived the Russian revolution, two world wars and the mass executions of Stalin.
“It’s weird what she did at her age, but said often that he was tired of waiting for Death to take her, and so she went to meet him alone,” said a neighbor.
He had tried to put an end to the life of even one time in the past, but then her family had beaten him to it.

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