Shadow of the Beast: The new version includes the original game on the Amiga! [video]

A nice surprise awaits those who buy the new Shadow of the Beast, as well as the creators of the remake …
they decided to add the original version of the Amiga in the game, which will be able to “unlock” somehow the gamers by spending mana.
“In the game you will encounter various types of gameplay, from platform and puzzle solving up to combat. We want the gamers to cope with various challenges and to develop skills in order to finish the game. It is the most important part of the experience we offer. However, there will be an option Beginner for a more simplified approach.
An important area for the evolution of the game is the Wisdom of Shadows, a store where you will find upgrades, talismans and special moves to enhance your skills. To access these objects you need to discover various secrets and the purchases are made by spending Mana.
The mechanism of battle is simple. The enemies are coming either from the left or from the right, and in most cases you can destroy them with one blow. Of course, as the game progresses each enemy reacts differently to your attacks and you need to find the proper way to disable the switch”
The Shadow of the Beast will be released on May 17, exclusively for PlayStation 4.
