Seoul estimates that the Trump is aware of the nuclear threat from North Korea

The “clear notice” of the…
elected president of the united states Donald Trump to North Korea shows that it is aware of the immediacy of the threat is the nuclear program of the country and that he would not deviate from the policy of sanctions against the country, today announced the South Korea.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un announced on Sunday that his country is close to making a test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile, capable to reach the USA.
The Trump dismissed this claim, writing on his Twitter account: “Not gonna happen”.
The ministry of Foreign affairs of South Korea has announced that the comment of Trump, the first reference made by the president-elect of the united states on the nuclear issue of North Korea after his election in November, can be seen as a “clear warning” to Pyongyang.
“The president-elect Trump and American officials have accurate awareness of the severity and immediacy of the nuclear threat from North Korea”, – said the representative of the ministry of Cho Yune-huike.
The Trump has not been mentioned in the policy with regard to the issue of North Korea, but during the election campaign he had declared that he is willing to converse with the leader of the country Kim, if given the chance.
At the same time the elected president of the united states has criticised China on the issue. Last Monday, Trump said that Beijing has benefited from the economic ties with the united states, but is not prepared to use his influence to help control North Korea.
In response to this, the Gheng Shuang representative of the chinese Foreign ministry said that China is pushing for the denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula.
“China’s efforts in this direction are absolutely clear”, he Gheng. “As a permanent member of the UN Security Council we have participated in the relevant discussions on the nuclear issue of North Korea and we have adopted jointly with the other partners a lot of decisions,” he added.
The USA is rejecting for years the pleas of North Korea for discussions, stressing that Pyongyang should first be disarmed, while they have of imposing additional sanctions against the following nuclear tests and missile tests.

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