See what happens to cancer most people

The healthy life is supposed to reduce the risk of developing some form of cancer during your life. Or maybe not?…
You eat a lot of vegetables, going to the gym a lot, I don’t leave the house without sunscreen and have quit smoking. Well done!
Such a healthy way of life is supposed to reduce the risk of developing some form of cancer during your life. Or do you not?
The research conducted at the University of Johns Hopkins reveals that two-thirds of cases of cancer in adults can be attributed to random gene mutations, which lead to the development of a tumor.
In other words, what they tell us, the authors of the research is that most cases of cancer are caused by the… bad luck to us!!!
The study arose because the researchers wanted to understand why some tissues in the body, such as those in the small intestine and the pancreas, have higher rates of cancer risk than others.
So watched the number of divisions of stem cells in 31 types of tissue, comparing the data with the risk of developing cancer in the same tissues in adults people.
The conclusion: the greater the number of cell divisions happens to the tissue is, the higher are the chances of developing cancer.
“Our study shows, in general, that the change in the number of divisions of stem cells in a tissue type is highly related to a change in the incidence of cancer in that same tissue,” says researcher Bert Vogelstein, M.D.
So, this means that we must give up the healthy lifestyle you’re trying to have, since the research shows that not much you can do with regard to the cancer? No, of course not.
Although the researchers identified 22 types of cancer with risk rates larger due to random mutations, 9 other types of cancer – such as cancer of the skin as well as head and neck, colorectal and lung – were associated with environmental factors, which can partially control.
These nine were also influenced by hereditary factors, which means that the regular checkups can help to identify a tumor before it becomes life-threatening.
Of course, these “random” mutations is anything but random’s a, as reported by David Katz, M.D., M.P.H, can be increased in someone who is exposed then to toxins and to reduce it to someone who lives with healthier habits.
Therefore, cancer is a collection of diseases caused in varying degrees by genetics, environmental factors and random mutations of genes, as indicated in the study of Johns Hopkins.
After some types of cancer depend on many factors, the best thing you can do is to stick to a diet low in animal fat and high in fruits and vegetables, you need to exercise on a regular basis and to reduce your exposure to ultraviolet rays and cigarette.