See how he became the face of a woman who didn’t put any cream for a month [photos]

Something extremely.. brash, to live for a month without putting on consistently every morning and night creams, moisturizing, sun, αντιρρυτιδικές and other, he decided, a reporter for the Daily Mail. And now presents to us…
the outcome of the experiment.
Motivated by a 79χρονη woman, who in spite of his advanced age, looked radiant and her face was extremely beautiful, and puts absolutely nothing in this, Katherine decided to live for a month without creams.
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A project is risky, if you consider that by putting herself in this process may destroy forever that he had “build” with it and enough… money (spending an average of 480 pounds a year on facial creams and eye).
As noted by the Catherine in the Daily Mail, the first week without… creams, felt the skin of the most rugged and tight. However, towards the end of the first week began to notice that he was visibly more matt, that is a lot less oily. During the third week, the skin remained tight, but much smoother than the first week. As noted by the dermatologist who examined her at the end of the fourth week, then a month without creams the skin has lost over 10% humidity and had deepened the wrinkles in her eyes. However, they had significantly reduced the redness, and the pores of her skin was visibly less visible. The conclusion? You don’t need exaggeration. A good sun cream that does parallel and hydration is enough for a healthy skin.
H Catherine before:

Catherine then: