Satisfaction ” for the course of Tourism – Upgrade tasks Kountoura with a view to reforming

New map of competences emerged from last Tuesday at the ministry of Tourism, after the publication in the government GAZETTE of the decision of the …
deputy minister of Economy, Development and Tourism Elena Kountoura to delegate the responsibility of signing “by order deputy minister” in addition to the two secretaries of the ministry and other strains.
The fact is rather perplexing given that just five weeks ago (August 9, 2016), the deputy minister of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction Christopher Βερναρδάκης issued a circular on the topic “Re-evaluation of the structure of the organic units of the ministries”. This set out, among other things, as the outlines of “the restriction of the splitting of the object of a ministry in many General and Special Secretariats” and “uniform structures in internal administration” and “integration of competence Services Financial Control (MMS) in the Directorates-General for Economic Services of the ministries”.
But it is indicative of satisfaction ” from the up to now work of the deputy minister Elena Kountoura in the tourism sector, and marks the upgrade of the role of with a view to reform.

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