SAMSUNG creates the trial of the font: SAMSUNGONE

The custom font on technology companies, it seems that is the new trend!
Google designed the Roboto and integrated in all the services, but also on the “material design” apps. Apple designed its own custom San Fransisco, who recently became the “default” font on all iOS devices. From the lobby we could not miss and the Microsoft “dumped”, Segoe, for the hand of her own, inspired by its products, Windows and Office.
The next person who wants to create her own font, is the Samsung. The choice is clearly a difficult case as the “Samsung” will have to give a single image in all forms of devices. Don’t forget that the company is making smartphones until and refrigerators. Thus was born the SamsungOne, which was designed to be used for all purposes, all of the devices. From the UI of a washing machine, until the instructions of a refrigerator or the new ad of someone Galaxy! You should also consider that Samsung is a multinational company with presence in many countries and 400 different languages or 25,000 different characters.
The SamsungOne font seems to be an improved Droid Sans, which was the first font for the Android platform. We would say that the mixing of Droid Sans with Roboto (Google) could have been a result of the SamsungOne, as you can see in the photo below:
As mentioned in the video above, the SamsungOne should be able to represent the concepts “Man + Balance + Property + Discretion + Universal + Durability”, which are a lot to make it a font! Even if you fail in any of the above, Samsung wants to diversify from other manufacturers Android.
Has not put a timetable on when we will launch the products of Samsung to adopt this font, but there are strong rumours that the authority will be with the new Samsung Galaxy Note 7. This will be so in the ad of the new flagship, but also in the UI.
