Salos in Australia with a school calendar: Teachers pose in positions reminiscent of porn

A high school in Queensland, Australia, receives “fire” because of one where they pose in poses reminiscent of a pornographic film! The calendar’s controversial photographs show Balmoral State High School teachers photographed in various spicy stops. In one of them, a teacher is dressed as a nun and steps on a colleague and another time a shiny gold mankini. Another image shows a teacher bending down on four and another colleague throws milk on another teacher. The photographs are published in a 2023 diary hung in the staff room, according to reports from The Courier Mail. The issue came to light following a complaint by staff members last December, which teachers denied. When the images were leaked to students, they began to make the internet fast. The leaked photos have caused mixed reactions from the public, with some claiming that they are out of line, while others say that we should not take them too seriously.