REVERSAL for the 16-year-old Anna: THE REVELATION of the father and the foreigner – Decision – ΚΟΛΑΦΟΣ by a prosecutor

What are the revelations about the 16-year-old Anna Τερζίδου it? Continuous twists of the case of the disappearance of 16-year-old… Anne Τερζίδου from Thessaloniki, which disappeared at the beginning of the month and the Weekend showed up at the police station, Heliopolis, saying that he’s okay, but doesn’t want to be neither with mother, nor with her father.
Until yesterday, it seemed as if Anna Τερζίδου will come back in Thessaloniki, at the home of his father, who has custody, but according to information, the prosecutor accepted this morning, of the desire of 16-year-old to remain in Athens and make a new start at a cousin’s house.
The prosecutor, after having examined the finding of psychologists, who examined Anna Τερζίδου, concluded that it is best for the child not to return to the home of her father, as well as the experts allegedly found that the character is violent and unstable. At the same time Anna Τερζίδου made it clear to the cops that he doesn’t want to be with her mother so it was decided that the most appropriate for her would be to stay with the cousin. At the same time, they begin to open mouths in the local society of Λαγκαδικίων, with professors Anna Τερζίδου to report that the child was trying to make a new start in high School, after a lost year that I managed to get the diploma of high School due to absences.
Then the teachers of 16-year-old Anna Τερζίδου had alerted her father to express their concerns, but he never did respond to their call and showed complete indifference. Emphasize that the girl, who lived in Germany with her mother after the divorce of her parents, had a lot of problems of adjustment and language.
Despite the efforts of both friends and teachers to join, she never had any help from home, so I let continuously to herself. Her father again, in his statement to the police, he said that when his daughter returned in the summer from Athens, he used a modern cell phone, which I had bought for her mother.
He also stressed that after the disappearance of used a different number in communications with her mother, which belonged to an alien. He rejected the accusations that he abused the 16-year-old.

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