Retired from Tucson: “I can’t go on. We don’t respond to chemicals” [video]

A cry of anguish from the pensioners of the Solid that came out today on the streets of Lamia…
Protest rally and march held today, pensioners of the Solid in Tucson. “With the meager pension that we have to live the unemployed, our children, even our grandchildren… it’s a terrible thing to not have if you get a ice cream to your grandchild…So did the politicians. And the previous and the current…”, he said στοLamiaReport one of the old timers of life.
After the speeches in the square Park followed by a march to the Freedom square, where a delegation of pensioners submitted the following resolution to the regional director and the Regional, Kostas Bakoyannis and Thymios Καραΐσκο respectively, who were waiting on the ground floor of the building in the Region.

“The solutions are not with sprays and repressive means, they are in dialogue and debate,” said mr Bakogiannis, addressing the delegation of pensioners, he added, “Obviously we live, not in another country, but another planet with those who say that pensions have not been reduced. We live in a completely different reality from those who support this”. he said, among other things, Kostas Bakogiannis.
See the video: