Politically charged Politics
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(Title) Re topical scenario duplication of elections in the autumn brought the declarations of the Minister of Justice, Harry Kastanidis, in an interview. In response, the spokesman LD, Panos Panagiotopoulos, requesting clarification on whether the prime minister is considering early elections and when.
In an interview to a radio station Ch Kastanidis said “courageous government or as will save the country but the center-left will disappear for 30 years and there should be procedures for a new democratic legitimacy of the government “.
Then the representative of the New Republic, Panos Panayiotopoulos said:
The Minister for Justice, Mr . Kastanidis Harris, today’s statements on “the need of democratic legitimacy, it is clear that suggests early elections. Now, now goes to the Prime Minister to tell us responsible if it intends to make (and when …) that suggests the minister.
On the environment, however, the Prime Minister alluded to the recent interview in Sunday’s “E” where he said it is considering early elections. Complement the government has a strong parliamentary majority and the popular mandate is fresh.

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Chinatown Politics
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