Relationship with older man: Why would you say yes?

More and more often now , young women choose to make relationships with older men and the reason is not only the experience but also the economic situation after the era we live in is very difficult and a younger man is located at the beginning of a job or in search of…
Beyond that though, an older man can offer some things to a younger woman. Whether this relationship is a lifetime relationship and will result in the “together forever” is another matter, of course…
The older man:
-knows how to make you feel comfortable, treat you nicely, to tell you what you want to hear and throw you with a distinctive and charming way after, yes , the experience of helping him.
-it’s more relaxed than a new one. Due to the years of living (here we’re talking about and depending on the difference that you have…) has seen more than you , knows more than you, has lived more than you and so the experience that guides him and you to charms. He’s calm and not panicking at the first sign of difficulty.
-has greater self-confidence as he knows that even if you let it, not the end of the world. It’s not you, it will be another, The new on the other hand, may be tied much more and don’t have learned to be experiencing a loss-as a consequence, all bring the end of the world.
-in love has more experience: For durability, it depends on the age and physical condition, but from experience throbbing, since I’m pretty sure she’s been with more women than you can imagine…
It will be something different, a good experience if you want it to and it is with a good guy but it depends on you how you handle it. Because the old is old, and has the habits of your own age, nor the tastes, nor the mentality…