Referee saved Mainz’s player life in the match with Bayern Munich – He turned his tongue and couldn’t breathe

Bayern Munich “walked” a few 24 hours ago with 8-1. The shocking moment of Joshua Gilavoki’s injury to the guests and the immediate mobilisation of the race in “Alianz Arina” was a fact that marked the race, along with the wide score. A… huge “thank you” to the referee, Patrick Itich should tell Joshua Gilavogki. With Bayern Munich – Mainz score at 2-1, the guest footballer had one against Miller of the Bavarians, fell sloppy and his head collided with his knee teammate. Gylavoghi hit his head, resulting in his tongue gathering back and not allowing him to pass the air and thus take breath. At the same time, the television lens “captured” Mainz coach, Bo Henriksen, in shock! El árbitro salvó la vida de Josuha Guilavogui con su rápida reaccción ayer en la Bundesliga Estaba inconsciente con la lengua blaqueando las vías respiratorias Detuvo la jugada, le sacó la lengua y lo puso en una posición lenal HONOR — (@reglaXVIII) The German referee did not hesitate for a second and rushed to help 33-year-old defender Huff, essentially saving his life. “If someone is like that, you must act quickly. I’ve experienced a lot of these situations. He had his tongue back. You have to turn it around and then you can breathe again. Nadiem Amiri (the player of Mainz) embraced me immediately because he realized how serious the situation was.” Joshua Gilavogki thanked the referee and those who acted immediately: “Thanks a lot for the quick intervention and quick help from Patrick Itrich, my teammates and the doctors of Mainz” he said.