93.365 – I am …
Image by Jeff the Trojan
(Title) «The conclusion of the Commission of Inquiry on the scandal of Vatopedi monastery, is the common sense of justice of the people” took the chairman Benteniotis Manolis, presenting the House of Parliament.
we consider the finding that expresses only the members of PASOK, which participated in the Commission, Mr. Benteniotis estimated the damage to the Greek government to “exchange” of public land against – licensed Monastery – Visthonidas lagoon in a billion Euro calculation which had PASOK, from the first Commission of Inquiry of 2008. The ministers of the New Republic, who bear responsibility for the scandal by the majority, far from being “misled” – during the initial direction of the Prosecutor of the Supreme C. board – but rather, “affirms the central coordination and there guidance from above, while the CGC is guided by experienced officers and ministers, “to go to circumvent the legal rules in trade».
The Chairman of the Selection Committee finally announced indirectly PASOK’s proposal for the establishment of a Preliminary-Proanakritikis Committee, for further investigation of criminal dimension six ministers of the New Republic, as for the integration of banking, brokerage and tax audits are pending from the previous Inquiry.
Unlike Mr. Bentenioti, the representative of the New Republic, New Dendias stressed that “the common sense of justice and the headlines, there may be a criterion for decision of a Committee of Inquiry and a criminal investigation. The yield of truth would not help looking for scapegoats and aposeiontas responsibility of all ministers of PASOK. Political loyalty is to be able to go against the climate, “said MP, complementing that from the testimony,” there is not a sentence “to show intent of Ministers of the New Republic, the intention to make the exchange.
Equally, in the southwest, the Board has not done its work, it does not illuminate the paths of capital to and from the monastery, nor yet reached a flow of political money – “and when we approached a Sor-offs reported as having a relationship Related interests former minister (en Akis Tsochazopoulou) told us that the company is thinking in the heart of the case and that there is no case to be investigated ».
According to the rapporteur of the Communist Party, Anthony Scyllentium, responsibility for the scandal have two governments, and “there was a will and PASOK and even more on DL, to promote the only one tooth and nail.” Besides the legal advisors of the State “never lift his head and tearing to accommodate the presumed intention of the government».
«The speed and sequence of events reveals coordinate estimation Mr. Scyllentium. There is a responsibility of the Maximos Mansion, “a minimum liability Angel,” while “the role of Mr. Refuse and refuse board and was more clearly, to see how justice works independently. Above all, however, needs institutional intervention to remove the Byzantine and Ottoman chysobulls firmans the validity of property titles, and legislative action specifically for Vatopedio like that which had brought in opposition PASOK.
Finally, the representative of SYRIZA, Evangelia Amanatidou-Paschalidou, replacing resigned from the EPP party, Nick Tsoukalis stressed inter alia that “the Greek government has not yet assessed the extent of damage and has declared ‘civil action’ identified the need for institutional reforms (eg reform of the functioning of the State Legal ) and warned about the outcome of two other cases – that of Toplou Monastery in Crete and the claims of Great Lavra monastery on the island of Skyros.
hard attack on the two major parties launched the chairman of SYRIZA Alexis Tsipras, featuring Vatopedi case “as a blue and green karampinato scandal. The accused that “proceed with reasonable clearance of accountability to retired and bobs’ and called for the establishment Proanakritikis Commission” with the hope to come out to light what the two-party system wants to keep in the dark ».
He argued Tsipras that both the Prime Minister and leader of the Opposition, “we are working fine” noting that while willing to assert bleed the same time the Commission of Inquiry led to five results to both parties to indicate guilty only to the other party.
“For months now, playing an unusual derby who robbed less public property. While sinking the country you play poker cards 8. You are unable to come up with basic two-party evaluation of the scandal, he said Mr. Tsipras.
At the same time brought scathing criticism for the situation in public hospitals, stressing that the risk is creepy, as with hemodialysis, because they run out of filters and cleaning the same time, PASOK and ND represent the archangels clearance.
The chairman of SYRIZA even argued that the government is accountable to the Greek people and spoke irresponsibly leaving public hospitals at the mercy of suppliers and the IMF and all that is struggling to ensure the rights of speculators and lenders.
Mr. Tsipras described the case of Vatopedi timeless as the largest bipartisan scandal, as well as series of other scandals, he said, because allows them the institutional framework created by the two parties through the maze of corridors.
«Under the pressure and frustration of citizens decided to do a reasonable clearance for some retired and weights, with nothing else to give the political system. Nobody believes it would bleed. The knife will reach as far as reaching and bonds, tapping, or the Olympics, “noted Mr Tsipras.
Still, he spoke of sacred silence of the Government and the Opposition in the scandal Vatopedi started, as argued by 1998 and while SYRIZA had repeatedly condemned and brought to the House, “there sweatiness any ear».
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Liberal MP Justin Trudeau is the eldest son of former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau. In 2008, he was elected to the House of Commons as the MP for the riding of Papineau. In this special edition of Beyond Politics, Catherine Clark and Justin Trudeau share stories about growing up at 24 Sussex Drive and living under the glare of the spotlight that followed their fathers’ careers. Trudeau also talks about his marriage to Sophie Grégoire and their two children; as well as the deep, lingering impact the deaths of his brother, Michel, and his father have on his life.