Questions. Dendias for immigration and asylum procedures and reception

Despite the fact that the Government imposed emergency procedure last month the passing of a new law (4375/16) for the organisation…
of Services to Asylum, Reception, Recourses, and management of the immigration – refugee issue, today, more than 57,000 foreign crowd growing in various types of structures and settlements, without adequate conditions of hygiene and safety, and it is not clear who has the responsibility and charge for their hospitality, without it is not known how many people have submitted asylum applications and what will become of those who have not applied for or not entitled to international protection.
On the occasion of the situation, but the new amendment of law.4375/2016 with an amendment that was included unexpectedly in the investment design act (voted yesterday, 16.06.2016), the parliamentary representative of the SW and mp B Athens, mr. Nikos Dendias, has submitted a question and a request for deposit of documents in Parliament to the competent Ministers of Interior and Defence, asking for information on the number of structures of hosting migrants, refugees, the procedures and the financing of feeding, cleaning, storage, and recruitment of staff.