Pumpkin veloute

about 1 kg of pumpkin, cleaned, cut into small pieces
1 large onion, 6
2 medium carrots, preferably organic, into medium pieces
2½ cup. milk tea
3 tsp. tablespoons olive oil
2 tsp. tablespoon fresh ginger, grated, or 1 tsp. soup powder
1 tsp. sweet curry powder
1 pinch of freshly ground nutmeg
salt, freshly ground black pepper
Servings 4
Preparation 20 Cooking 40
Heat the oil in a large saucepan. Add the onion, ginger, curry and nutmeg. Saut̩ for 2 minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon. Then add the pumpkin and carrots, mix and saute on high heat for a further 2 Р3 minutes. Add the milk, stir and add lukewarm water until they are covered well in the materials.
Allow the soup to boil and lower the heat to rise the milk and spilled. Boil until tender totally the pumpkin and carrots. Remove the pot from the heat and mash a few-just a few of the materials in bin blender, adding each time a little liquid from the pot. As liquid that is left over we keep it in place.
Pass the pulp with a fine strainer (shanghai or fine sieve) and transfer it in the pot, we have in the meantime cleaned. If it’s too thick the soup, add some of the liquid that we kept on the edge (or boiling water), stir and bring the soup to a boil. If it’s too thin, boil until it acquires the density we want.
Finally, add salt and freshly ground pepper and taste for seasoning. Serve in bowls and garnish with φρεσκοτηγανισμένους in a little oil cubes of bread (croutons). For a more filling result, serve with 1 – 2 slices of cheese or sausage of your choice.
Tip Don’t be thrown by the combination of spices – the result is delicious. If, however, some don’t like it at all, skip it.

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