Protest Hoteliers for new tax measures

The hoteliers of Laconia complain strongly about the tax measures of the new bill and in a statement after speak of “extermination and annihilation of the …
business world of the country”, requesting not to repeal the exemption of owner occupied real estate-profit-making legal persons.
In particular, the Association of Hoteliers in its communication, among other things, stresses that, “because of the surprisingly predatory take-off taxes and fees, the hotel industry is affected completely, since in addition to the onerous imposition of ‘tax residence’, in the new draft law included a provision that repeals the exemption of owner occupied real estate-profit-making legal persons. Therefore, the hotels, as “tools of work”, will be charged with additional tax ENFIA with a rate of 0.1%”.
In the same announcement stated that “it is an unfair arrangement, which is devoid of any logic, since it will affect directly and indirectly the cost of the tourist package, while at the same time will result in a significant reduction in the competitiveness of Greek Tourism and a negative impact on employment.
In addition, he states that the tourism sector of the country “can’t bear other additional charges and is not in a position anymore to make any more sacrifices and concessions”.
The hotel Association of Laconia asking for from the government, “the immediate withdrawal of this provision, different and with mathematical precision, the hotel industry is driven in a straight direction to the “firing squad””.
It is worth mentioning that the same issue complain, and the hoteliers of Arcadia, where in a communication issued by underline, inter alia, that, “”I can’t go on”… The failure of the “επαϊόντων” and the weakness of the rulers after the decline of the tourism product, leading to “λουκετοποίηση” and decline the healthy Greek entrepreneurship dragging unfortunately the whole of society and the economy”, while they call on their members of parliament, governors and the entire political world to intervene, “for the withdrawal of such order at the last moment, keeping this way alive the hopes for survival of thousands of small and medium-sized tourism enterprises in the country”.