Pregnancy & health: 4 mistakes that make most women

If you wait kid, you already know that you need to feed yourself healthy, do mild exercise and, of course, be consistent in date with the…
your doctor, in the context of prenatal screening.
However, there are some issues that many women have a distorted view or incomplete information, often putting at risk their health or the health of the fetus.The most common is the following:
Eating for two
Almost 50% of pregnant women are taking more than the allowed weight during a pregnancy, according to a study published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology.As experts note, many women think that in pregnancy you need to double the calories, something that is absolutely wrong. Women who are obese in pregnancy have an increased risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, preterm birth, gestational diabetes, hypertension, preeclampsia, sleep apnea, and blood clots. The infants born to obese mothers are more likely to have birth defects and become obese growing up.
The American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends that women with normal body mass index (BMI) to increase the intake of calories 340 per day during the second trimester and 450 per day in the third quarter.
If you have a twin or multiple pregnancy or you are overweight or obese, you should consult with your doctor or a nutritionist.
Avoid sex
If there are medical reasons, there is no other reason to avoid sex during pregnancy. When the pregnancy is τελειόμηνη, many gynaecologists advise women to have sex up until the 9th month, as well as help in normal delivery. This is because the prostaglandins, the hormones in the semen, soften the cervix and cause contractions of the uterus.
What to watch out for is the right attitude to sex, in order to not be pressed against your belly.
Avoid vaccines
Studies have shown that women during pregnancy or lactation are at risk of serious illness from the influenza virus even if you do not have other risk factors. The influenza virus can have a serious impact on the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus for the administration of flu vaccine is recommended for every pregnant woman who is pregnant during the period of transmission of influenza (winter months). In addition, the vaccination of pregnant women for influenza protects while infants under 6 months who cannot be vaccinated for the flu.
Also vaccination of pregnant women with the tetanus vaccine is one of the weapons for the elimination of neonatal tetanus, which is one of the most frequent causes of neonatal death.While the last few years the incidence of whooping cough ever-increasing because of the weakening of the immunity, protect the body from disease), which offers the vaccine in the course of time. Adults are the main source of transmission of the disease in infants under three months who are at risk of suffering heavily from whooping cough.
For this reason, the Advisory Committee on Immunization (ACIP) of the CDC recommends vaccination with Tdap to all pregnant women in each pregnancy, preferably the 27th to 28th week of pregnancy. This applies regardless if you have a history of developing whooping cough because the disease from pertussis does not offer protection from disease during life.
Exaggerate with vitamins and supplements
Your doctor will advise you about taking supplements of calcium, iron and magnesium according to your needs. If you overdo it with the vitamins and the supplements, no one can guarantee you that this is good for you or that will not harm the fetus. The best safer way of intake of essential nutrients is through food.

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