Power of the soul! The man with no hands who got a diploma

But how does it lead?…
An indian man who has no hands, managed to get the driver’s license, after proving that he can lead, keeping with the right foot on the wheel and using the left for throttle, brake and speeds.
The 45-year-old Vikram Agnihotri lost his hands in an accident when he was just seven years old. But always wanted to drive.
In fact, according to the british Daily Mail, passed the test easily, showing the examiners that you can do in driving.
Man with no arms learns to drive with his feet in India https://t.co/Ngffu2KiVw pic.twitter.com/DFjZEK4H6t
— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) October 12, 2016
“It was almost impossible to convince the people or the controllers that I can drive with my feet. They couldn’t accept the fact that a man without hands could lead. I applied for a driver’s license last year, and those responsible refused again to take account of the fact that I could drive. Only after a lot of effort to convince them, they accepted to take the examinations,” said the 45-year-old.

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