They Lied
Image by cobalt123
(Title) Twenty years after the creation of private television and the lights seem to have fallen, especially as regards the Greek series. The decline of television advertising and production companies going bankrupt brings dramatic changes in an area with a series of inflation and people, a “fluid” working landscape with long periods of unemployment, and excessive fees – for a few, though: the “gap” is large , particularly among the actors
Compared to last year, television advertising has declined by 200 million euros and where in previous years we had 40-45 Greek series per season, from next September will run approximately 8 to 10 rows primarily by two channels, the ANT1 and Mega. Of these, half are apparently ‘new blood’, then the rest of the previous season. Furthermore, the Greek government has decided to impose a tax of 20% to the already shrinking revenue in television advertising. What is all this? That at best, so minus 20% of advertising revenue will incur fees and at worst, that a huge number of workers (the most “artists” to the more ‘technical’, but possibly and channel executives) will find a job. According to director of photography Dennis Lambiri ‘on Greek television, the “food chain” begins the ad. When reduced by 20%, causing a domino panic. All stations have fallen pagomara ».
« What I hear from colleagues, “he said, new, talented actress of theater and television who prefers anonymity,” is that next year the series will be dramatically reduced and channels choose one or two major television names. Preference will be younger and thus cheaper, actors. The “Karma”, the “Secrets of Eden” is sure to continue. Those who work in these anxious lines ».
How to a Greek television series? Very briefly, a production company and a channel agree to the idea, the players and the budget (a typical production is around 80000-90000 euros). Sign a contract in which the production company shall provide a bank as security. The bank is required to give a lot of money in overall production by way of loan, the gradual repayment of which will be launched by the company when they begin to come the money.
But when start the money come from? Having viewed the first episode series, ie, quite a few months after the shooting, and advertisers are starting (slowly) to pay the channel. In turn, the channel pays the production company and it pays rates: crew (technicians usually paid monthly), director, screenwriter (about 2-3 months after viewing the first episode) and actors – in this order .
When starting to get their money the actors? Nearly seven months after viewing the first episode – just highlight the row. They may have turned a range, but if it is not made ever (has happened), all these people will be left unfilled.
All actors are paid seven months after the start of the projection? No. On TV actors have “three tier”. The “protoklasata” TV names get “over” a large proportion of their total remuneration (which starts at 6,000 euros and can reach 12,000 per episode). The “defteragonistes” paid quite a few months later (2000-2500 per episode) and, finally, the young actors are paid at the appropriate time (this often starts from 100-150 to 500 per episode). Maybe some of these numbers, especially in the first two categories to look great on an employee, note that it can talk about participation in one or two episodes, this is far from a stable job with an uncertain future and, finally, a job with very specific ages. Moreover, after the crisis, talk of repayments after twelve months.
When Dennis Lambiri, “the crisis, was a good opportunity to become outstanding in the television market, which began with the acquisition of Alpha by the German group RTL. My personal experience was the sudden stop filming after three weeks of work. No warning, nothing. The Germans showed the way on how to shrink the cost of bringing their extra product from its group, with no cost. However, everyone said at that big jar of honey finish. Could be smoother, though, because now a question of survival for people living on TV ».
« Since July, the actors will pay 10% VAT “said actor Basil Chalakatevakis. “By working card paying 13.5% Social Security 20% tax if they help and VAT, the fee will be reduced even further. Leave often cut the card but are paid after months. This means that we have to find money for VAT, even when they eventually do not pay. This work is ever “on air”. And do you mind going on strike …. There is oversupply in the cast. If a strike, which is unlikely, they will find another. Here they put extras saying quotes for 50 euro ».
The B. Chalakatevakis participated in the successful series” Litsa. com », directed by Olga Malea, and then took the baton Panagiotis Portokalakis. It was a production company Cinegram Film & TV Productions, a leader in the field for 21 years, with four successful series made, participation in theatrical productions and, above all, rich work in advertising. Last May, but suddenly the company informed its partners that it has a debt of 15 million. The coefficients of the series have remained unpaid – among them the North Chalakatevakis, indicating angry because, as we said in the Cinegram owes 50% of his salary.
But left unpaid and rates highly successful series “Dream”, also production Cinegram. Series directed by Olga Malea. “The ‘Dream’,” he said, “was the No. 1 series made of ANT1, with 25% – 26% ratings. Had gotten approval to continue for the second year, completing the filming last April and early May, Cinegram announces 15 million debt, and all actors in the series are unpaid by 80% of the total remuneration of each. The series is not broke, it was very successful and came after the success of “Litsa. com “. How is it possible from one day to another there is so much debt? We got out of the budget. It’s inexplicable. Personal debts to the rates start from EUR 25,000 and go up 80000-100000 euros.
The O. Malea stresses that “the crisis, told us the accounts of” please be patient and get paid . Support the company and when I raised the question of tax 20% of the ads, I said, okay, all we have brought the country into this situation, we work with 20% less pay me. To apportion some responsibility and then from now on we are more cuddly. We showed good faith to discover that they have a huge debt without paying anyone. And do commercials. How; ».
According to Dennis Lambiri” Cinegram’s example is not unique. And other companies have stated formally that can not withstand the production of television product, but also to satisfy debts to associates. Indeed, declared bankrupt and Max Productions, and discuss the possible merger of some other companies to tackle the problem. As we said Helen Tsatsoula, director of production, “it seems that the problem has spread everywhere. If you become successful mergers, some companies may survive ».
As our private channel manager confessed,” we had a distorted market. The bubble burst. The production companies and channels have tried to put a cap on exorbitant fees, but the competition was ferocious in primetime – and talk about a self-sustaining market: the lines are made by us for us. Maybe all this has a cleanup, even though many of us will lose our jobs. However, television is changing, with new technologies and the Internet, Web TV. Located in transition ».
For Dennis Lambiri, television is” painful profession. It ends a row and you do not know if I xanaecheis job. Every six months, “we launch,” is looking for work every six months, with fair and unfair ways, often circumventing the professional and human ethics. As you can imagine, when the market shrinks “cannibalism” and “violence” swell ».
What answer Harry’s Padouvas Cinegram, with whom we spoke by phone?” The Cinegram had to get to in Article 99 because of the tight liquidity of the banks (SS is the Article 99 of the Bankruptcy Law on the intended protection from its creditors, reconstruct somewhat of Article 44 of Law 1892/90). Indeed has enough money left unpaid since the time this happened, the company was shopping at its best period. In 21 years of never had so much work, really was the best time. The agony of the world is great because the numbers are large. Companies like Cinegram based banking agency that the long duration of repayment. When the body stops, it stops the whole system. Now banks are realizing what damage has been created and have begun to discuss the problem. ” Unpaid associates Cinegram, however, have learned that the banks had warned Mr. Padouva “that has too large openings and will no longer give him money. We listened and did not listened and ultimately bad happened. The problem is not present, but managed by the very Cinegram ».
Pinch TV
Elias Magklini
Image by rafeejewell
excuse the late upload, technical problems with hotel connection. PS The town I am in is Krynica – I am sure I pronounced it wrong. … Also check me out on and Video Rating: 4 / 5
Image by rafeejewell