Political earthquake in the Government: “President, we won’t fall for the coffee…”

The president of independent greeks, which puts it back to the government, it is certain that…
I’ll speak to the prime minister for the imposition of a tax on coffee that could give the coup de grâce to the government.
–It is not possible to escaped from the beasts the καναλάρχες and fall on excise duty on coffee!!!
The Panos Kammenos listen already the world’s reactions to the imposition of an excise tax on coffee, which will turn the supermarket shelves with Greek and instant coffee in a danger zone. Housewives, pensioners, the unemployed and entire businesses that are based on the consumption of coffee threatened with a padlock. Plus, the crazies from the memoranda of Greek citizens take a breath, escape from hell, the stress with coffee. The increase in the consumption tax may prove to be traffic suicide for the government and the Panos Kammenos, which has communication with the world in the cafes to see how painless it is to turn off the Mega than to increases in the price of a product tied up with the everyday life of the Greek centuries.
With the same anguish of living and thousands of young people working in the delivery of the coffee. Their tip, which in many cases is the equivalent of a salary, I’d swallow the price increase.
And all this just to collect the government the very 45.000.000 million. euro. Not half a tv licence.
The biggest blow from the new taxation will accept the Greek coffee with a result of the rapid price increase of the shelves of the supermarket approach, in which it will be απογορευτική for the φτωχοποιημένα households.
Panos Kammenos, a lover of social media, is aware of the turmoil that prevails in social media in the last few days by thousands of indignant -with the imminent imposition of a tax on the favorite beverage of the Greeks – which makes him advertised in the Government staffs that the tax will bring disastrous consequences, and a huge blow to power-sharing.
Rage and mass uprising, and in social media
In the last 24 hours hundreds of people who find the opposite as a measure of the Tax that they intend to pass the Government in the favorite coffee of the Greek, create their own movement “resistance” through Social networks, in response -perhaps for the first time – so vividly to the impending increase from 01/01/2017, cutting off virtually their favourite habit which will increase up to 50% of the interests of the ministry of Finance.
Dozens of sketches circulating on facebook, and already has the appearance of a movement, which urges internet users to a mass uprising. See here: www.facebook.com/Maskovountonkafe-148551422266366/?hc_ref=SEARCH&fref=nf

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